17" Square Flats
17" Grass Flat |
17" Mesh Flat |
17" Mesh Flat Lt Wt |
17" Pony Flat |
JMCM17GF | JMCM17M-1 | JMCM17A | JMCM17P-1 |
Product Information > | Product Information > | Product Information > | Product Information > |
17" Propagation Flat |
JMCM17S-1 | |||
Product Information > |
17" Inserts
17" 16-pack Tall Cell Insert |
rEarth 17" 606 Insert |
17" 606 Tall Cell Insert |
17" 606-1 Insert |
JMCM1716TC |
JMCM17606-1 |
JMCM17606TC |
JMCM17606-1 |
17" Square 806 Insert |
17" 16-pack Insert |
17" 16-pack Q Insert |
17" 1204 Insert |
JMCM17806-1 |
JMCM1716-1 |
JMCM1716Q |
JMCM171204 |
17" 25-pack Tall Cell Insert |
17" 1206 Tall Cell Insert |
JMCM1725TC |
JMCM171206 |
Square pots that fit in 17" Square Flats
2.75" Square Pot | 3.3" Sq Perennial Pot |
3.5" Tech Sq Pot |
JMCS275 | JMCSQ330TL | JMCTS35 |
36 pots per flat | 25 pots per flat | 25 pots per flat |
Product Information > | Product Information > | Product Information > |
4" Deep Tech Sq Pot |
4" DeepTech Square Pot |
4" Tech Sq Pot Lt Wt |
25 pots per flat | 25 pots per flat | 16 pots per flat |
Product Information > | Product Information > | Product Information > |
4" Tech Sq Pot Lt Wt |
5.5" Square 1 Pot |
5.5" Square 1 Pot TL |
16 pots per flat | 9 pots per flat | 9 pots per flat |
Product Information > | Product Information > | Product Information > |
Round pots that fit in 17" Square flats
4.25" Thin Wall Pot |
8" Azalea Pot |
8" Santa Fe Bowl |
8" Vaso Pot |
16 pots per flat | 4 pots per tray | 4 pots per tray | 4 pots per tray |
Product Information > | Product Information > | Product Information > | Product Information > |